#HOM August Community Class Line-Up

We are very excited to announce our Community Class which will be offered EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT from 8:30PM-10:00PM at House of Movement <- LIKE OUR PAGE! We hope that this class will be an outlet for instructors to continue to share and grow in the community as well as a place for dancers to learn about up and coming choreographers in our community! With that, we are proud to present the following LINE UP for our Community Classes:

Community Class takes place every FRIDAY from 8:30PM - 10:00PM @ Pearl Studios NYC 500 8th Ave 4th Floor 

8/1 - Patrick Packing ROOM 401
8/8 - Joshua Paul Ruiz (Heels Class) ROOM 401
8/15 - Allison Vicencio ROOM 401
8/22 - Charles Espinoza ROOM 401
8/29 - Kai Lin ROOM 401

LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on twitter and instagram (@homnyc) to find out what ROOM each class will be held in at Pearl!

See you all in class!

- the House of Movement Faculty